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Numerology and Dreams

Numerology often reveals its messages in dreams. The study of numerology has been around for centuries. The ancient Greeks, Chinese, Romans, Aztecs and Druids worked with numbers and applied them to events in their everyday lives. The study of numerology in the European culture was founded by Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher and mathematician. It was he who stated that numbers were the principles that guided the universe, limiting and giving shape to matter. The important underlying tenet of Pythagoreanism was the kinship of all life and this principle permeated religious and scientific teachings as well as the lives of ordinary people, even to this day. (Encyclopedia of World Biography, 1973). Astrologers, numerologists, tarot card readers, etc., have all applied the use of numbers to their own systems to uncover hidden definitions to enhance readings and pinpoint specific information. These systems have been useful for predicting future events and to pinpoint exactly, the direction being taken by the spirit and the personality.

In 1990, I experimented a bit with numbers I saw appearing in dreams. Although I had never played a gambling game, I chose to test these numbers with Lotto. Unfortunately, not all six numbers were chosen at any one time, but did come up in a consistent enough way to keep winning. I was off one week by one digit as a result of my own faulty transcription; had this error not occurred, I would be a multi-millionaire. When you are recording numbers from your dream, whether for gambling purposes, for a numerology reading or for another purpose, be sure to include the date the dream occurred. For example, May 10 would translate into a 5 and 10. If desired, large numbers over three digits may be rounded to smaller numbers - for example, 5023 = 10. This is especially important if you only need a single digit. It is also important to use each component of the number. For example, if you dreamed of the number 405, use both 4 and 5. Likewise, if you dream of the number 43 look up both 40 and 3. Likewise, any set of words used in this dream (i.e., loose screw, muddy shoes, black purse, etc.) needs to be broken down into separate words and both words looked up separately.

Birthdays (yours and your loved ones) are fortunate, as well. More fortunate are dreams that fall on a particular day of the month that has a special meaning for you as well as the numbers 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 23, 25, and 28. It is also beneficial to look up the astrological sign of the birthday whether yours or anyone else's that is celebrated. A dream about a birthday cake also signifies that you need to look up the particular astrological sign of the person celebrating their birthday. On other days (6, 7, 10, 12, and 17) dreams may come to pass immediately and if they represent a desire, it is best to keep these dreams to yourself until they come to pass. This way the dream can reach fruition without interference from the outer world's atmosphere.You may also want to record the numbers from your dreams for interpretation by a numerologist. Take care to recall each number whether it is obvious or obscure (numbers as a clock, dates, etc.). These will point to important clues in your life, etc. The spirit will also present to you a number of consecutive episodes in a dream that are similar yet slightly different. These repeating patterns are represented by events of people you don't know and imply that an episode of a similar fashion will occur to you in the immediate future. You are being given prior notice of this so that you can handle this appropriately in your outer world.

On other days (6, 7, 10, 12, and 17) dreams may come to pass immediately and if they represent a desire, it is best to keep these dreams to yourself until they come to pass. This way the dream can reach fruition without interference from the outer world's atmosphere. You may also want to record the numbers from your dreams for interpretation by a numerologist. Take care to recall each number whether it is obvious or obscure (numbers as a clock, dates, etc.). These will point to important clues in your life, etc. The spirit will also present to you a number of consecutive episodes in a dream that are similar yet slightly different. These repeating patterns are represented by events of people you don't know and imply that an episode of a similar fashion will occur to you in the immediate future. You are being given prior notice of this so that you can handle this appropriately in your outer world.

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